
4 - 11


Mon - Fri


7:45am - 8:30am

3:30pm - 5:30pm


Breakfast Club

After School Club

Come and join the fun at Kingsbrook View Primary Academy!

Bookings are now live for 2023-24! You can book for the whole year, or ad hoc sessions, click Book Now below

Looking for holiday camps at Kingsbrook View? Click Here


AktivaCamps Breakfast Club and After-SchoolClub services are hosted on the school premises.  Breakfast Club and After School Club will run every day children attend school.  The Aktiva sessions will be based on sitein the main school hall with drop off and pick up at the schooloffice main entrance. There will be an Aktiva sign with the phone number of the Aktiva team available on the gate to the main reception. Please call if a staff member is not at the door to drop or collect your child. 

Breakfast Club 

We will be providing a choice of breakfast cereal, fruit, bagels, toast. We cater for dietary requirements which we ask you for when you register with Aktiva.Aktiva is a multichoice multiactivity organisation. Weather dependent we will be getting them active outdoors with a range of activities for them to choose. We will also have indoor activities to get them ready for the day ahead.When school starts, children will be taken to their classrooms to register with their teachers. 

After School Club 

In the afternoons, the team will collect year group from their classes.  The Aktiva team arrange the children into their key stage with a substantial snack being served of fruit, vegetables, dips and sandwiches. Children are encouraged to help us plan our menus and contribute to selecting their favourite things.We pre-plan each session with multiple activities for the children to participate in (tennis, football, bench ball, arts and crafts just to name a few.Dependent on numbers at each session, children will be zoned into key stage or year groups in the space that we are using. 

What's the day like?

Sample Session Itinerary 

2.30pm – Staff on site  

2.30 – 3.15pm – Preparation of venue (setting up activities, snack, register collection) 

3.15- 3.25 pm – Collect children from teachers 

3.25 – 4.15pm – multi-choice, multi activity sessions (Board Games /Lego/Role play/Play Dough)

4.15 - 4.30pm - snack

4.30 – 5.20pm – multi-choice, multi activity sessions 

         Indoor - Art and Design, Science and Construction - Paper Mache/Collage /Painting -      Adult led. 

         Outdoor sports session - Hockey, Netball, Football, Touch Rugby, Rounders Adult led. 

5.20 – 5:30 Prepare children for collection while light activities are taking place